把握機會,擁抱生命的意義:大眾禪修 之《佛子行三十七頌》開示 第二期



在完成止禪練習後,正式開始本次《佛子行三十七頌》學習前, 阿闍黎指導我們這部經典闡述了大乘佛法的修行道路。修持大乘佛法意味著尋求徹底的覺悟或成就圓滿的佛果,以此解脫自己及一切有情眾生。

正如佛祖釋迦牟尼在經文中所教導地,通往這一境界的唯一方法是慈悲與愛心。二者是修持其他任何法門的唯一基礎。什麼是誠摯的慈悲之心?阿闍黎援引其上師竹慶本樂仁波切的解釋:「 (慈悲之心)是一種真誠的關懷和願意在必要時付出自己的一切,以消除有情眾生之苦。」 (引自: https://www.shambhala.com/snowlion_articles/entering-the-trainings-in-compassion/)





– (中文譯文引自索達吉堪布《佛子行釋》






– (中文譯文引自索達吉堪布《佛子行釋》








很多人會探尋生命意味著什麼,或者生命的目的又是什麼。阿闍黎說這段經文解答了這些疑問。與其追問生命的意義與目的,我們其實可以問:「如何使生活充滿意義,並賦予它一個目標?」 這一問題在本段經文中是這樣回答的:通過聽聞、思維和禪修佛法教義,並修行菩薩道——即大乘之道

前面我們提到的閒暇與圓滿指的是八閒暇與十圓滿。其中提及了欲界中各種類型的投生,從地獄眾生一直到天界的天人 雖然現代科學已經帶領我們已經發現了像火星和土星這樣的行星,但卻沒有找到地獄道、餓鬼道等類似的存在。因此,許多人詢問阿闍黎這些界如果確實存在,它們究竟在哪裡。

《解脫寶鬘論》以及《俱舍論》中詳細講述了這些界位於何處。然而,阿闍黎指出如果試圖將這些當作具體的實在境界去尋找,就會誤解其真正的意義。這些經典都指出,我們投生到特定的境界,是由特定的煩惱(kleśa,指擾亂情緒或心理障礙)所致。例如,由於強烈的嗔恨,我們會墮入某種地獄道。「我們不需要真正投生到地獄道才能理解它。每當我們經歷類似強烈嗔恨這樣的煩惱時,地獄界就在那里,在我們自身之中。」 這種煩惱不僅會燒傷自己,還會傷害他人;因此,我們無需到別處去尋找這些境界——它們就在我們自身的體驗之中。




Karma Rigpai Lhamo譯 Ella Peng校對

Fourth Story Update: James Gimian Shares His [Video] Recollections About His Holiness the 16th Karmapa

“The 16th Gyalwang Karmapa seldom gave Dharma teachings through words but taught intensively through physical gestures and tamed beings through his mere presence. One of his major activities was to liberate all those who saw him … so there is undoubtedly great value in any visual connection made with him.”*

— His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa

During this difficult time of the global coronavirus pandemic, we can find solace and inspiration by seeing images, watching videos, and perhaps recalling one’s own experience of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. His spontaneous and joyous actions benefited beings wherever and in whatever way conditions permitted, despite any obstacles. 

We are pleased to present a way to visually connect with the 16th Karmapa by sharing photographs and videos about him. Contemplating his life and the lives of other lineage masters can benefit our mind stream and help us find the courage to open our hearts as we move through distressing times. When we benefit ourselves in this way, we are better equipped to support others both directly and indirectly.

We hope these offerings about His Holiness are indeed uplifting and an inspiration for yourself, your family, friends, colleagues and communities. We will soon include new ways to share acts of kindness so that those positive actions may ripple outward to be felt far and wide.  

This week’s video features James Gimian, who first became involved with Buddhism in 1972, as a student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Two years later, he held a lead role during His Holiness the 16th Karmapa’s first visit to the United States for the ten day Dharma Festival in San Francisco, in 1974. In the video interview Mr. Gimian, who is the publisher of Mindful Magazine, describes how His Holiness was a vital catalyst for introducing Buddhism to the West by facilitating “the diaspora of the teachings coming to the west.” 

Knowing that His Holiness was instrumental in the blossoming of Buddhism in Western culture, Mr. Gimian also recognizes how the Stupa in Wadsworth, in the Heartland of America, will serve as “ground zero for the dharma becoming deeply rooted in North American soil.” 

The story of His Holiness’ positive influences on those who cared for him at the end of his life in Illinois, reminds us of the power we all have to make a difference in the lives of others and vice versa. It made us think with tremendous gratitude and prayers for the safety of the millions of brave and selfless pandemic healthcare workers around the world. We can also follow His Holiness’ example and express gratitude, kindness, joy, generosity, and compassion in our everyday interactions regardless of challenging circumstances. We can be the positive change we all long for.

We give great thanks to everyone who has generously donated to help bring this vision to fruition by supporting our campaign for the Stupa. While the campaign will continue through June, we understand that making a donation is not possible for many at this time. Should you be able to give or feel moved to support the campaign at any point, your gift will be gratefully received.

We wish you all good health and well being, and look forward to sharing more about His Holiness with you next week.

*Excerpted from Dharma King: The Life of the 16th Karmapa in Images

James Gimian shares the significance of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa’s visits to North America. Video produced by Sam Scoggins. (Click on photo to view video)