“The main point of meditation is learning how to relax the mind within itself.” — The Karmapa in Freedom through Meditation, dharmaebooks.org
Our resident teacher, Acharya Lhakpa Tshering, offers guided meditation and short dharma teachings every Sunday at Karmapa Center 16 and online. As everyone is welcome, and no prior experience is needed, Acharya calls the Sunday sessions Meditation for All.
On November 17, 2024, Acharya Lhakpa started to include teachings on The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva. Here we offer summaries of his explanations about this precious text, written by the great master Ngülchu Thogme Zangpo, that points out how to follow the heroic path of the bodhisattvas verse by verse.
Teaching Summaries for
The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva
- 拥抱无常:大众禅修 之《佛子行三十七颂》 开示 第四期阿阇黎指出,经文本身非常清晰易懂。最具挑战性的部分是如何将其付诸实践。“放下今生”的真正含义是什么?我们又该如何将这句经文内化于心?
- 舍离故乡,断除轮回干扰:大众禅修 之《佛子行三十七颂》开示 第三期菩萨道的修行者努力解脱自己和他人于轮回之中。为此,他们选择安住于寂静之地。那么,“安住于寂静之地”究竟意味着什么呢?
- 慈悲——无畏之道:大众禅修 之《佛子行三十七颂》 开示 第一期在我们一起修习止禅之后,阿阇黎开始讲授《佛子行三十七颂》。他首先介绍了这部根本论典的作者—— 一位伟大的学者和修行者,无著贤菩萨(也称无著菩萨,约1295—约1369年)。