Meditation for All

Please fill out the registration form below. A zoom link to join KC16 and Acharya Lhakpa for Meditation for All on Sundays will be emailed after submitting the form. Thank you! Karmapa Khyenno!

If you have any questions, please send an email to:

Guidelines for Online Participation

Here are a few guidelines that we ask you to please follow when you join us online.

  • We encourage you to create a quiet place at home or wherever you are to meditate without interruptions. It is recommended that you clear your space from any objects that may cause unnecessary distractions and have a meditation cushion or seat that allows you to sit in a meditation posture, comfortable and relaxed.
  • We would appreciate it if you could log in using your full name and keep your camera on. That supports the feeling of practicing together. If, because your connection is weak or for some other reason, you need to turn your camera off, that is, of course, totally fine. Also, if you need to get up for some reason, please switch your camera off to avoid distractions and switch it back on when you return to your seat.
  • There is often a possibility to ask questions towards the end of our guided meditation. If you have any questions, please raise your digital hand on Zoom, and we will invite you to ask your question directly.

16 世噶玛巴涅槃四十二周年

噶玛巴中心16很高兴地宣布将于 2023 年 11 月 5 日至 7 日举行法会和祈愿活动,以纪念第 16 世噶玛巴让炯日佩多杰涅槃 42 周年。

11 月 5 日星期日: 请通过 Zoom 与我们一起参加 第十六世噶玛巴的上师瑜伽法会。 法会将由居住在美国和加拿大的喇嘛和僧侣用藏语进行。因不备有现场观众席,我们邀请您通过 Zoom 参加这一特殊活动。 因不备有现场观众席, 我们邀请您通过 Zoom 参加这一特殊活动。 Zoom 链接将在临近日期时发送。

11 月 7 日星期二:在第十七世噶玛巴邬金钦列多杰的指导下,喇嘛和僧侣们将用藏语进行绿度母法会、大白伞盖佛母本尊修持和玛哈嘎拉护法神咒。 这些法会和祈愿活动是为噶玛巴中心16而举办,祈愿清除障碍,并圆满中心的各项利益众生的项目。 由于不备有现场观众席, 我们邀请您通过 Zoom 参加这一特殊活动。 Zoom 链接将在活动临近时发送。



衷心感谢您对噶玛巴中心16的持续支持,我们欢迎您供养第十六世噶玛巴周年纪念修持日。 请在此捐款



1981年11月5日,第十六世噶玛巴在伊利诺伊州锡安市的美国国际诊所(现称美国癌症治疗中心)圆寂。 对于佛教修行者来说,像第十六世噶玛巴这样的老师的圆寂被称为涅槃,证悟或正觉,而圆寂的地点及其周围区域成为一个非常重要的地方,一个朝圣的地点。

有一次,释迦牟尼佛的弟子阿难问他:“你入涅槃以后,我们应该告诉弟子们什么呢?” 佛陀回答说:“阿难,虔诚的人应该去参观并怀着恭敬心瞻仰四个地方。 四个地方是什么呢? “如来[超越一 [the one who has gone beyond all transitory phenomena] 切无常现象的人]在此诞生。” “如来在此证得正觉。” “如来在此启动法轮。” “如来在此涅槃,进入涅槃境界,无有任何执着!” 比丘、尼姑、有信仰的在家男女都应该参观这些地方……”(Digha Nikaya 16.5)

十六世噶玛巴的佛行事业就像释迦牟尼佛一样,他选择位于伟大的伊利诺伊州的锡安作为他一生中最重要的地方之一。 为了尊重大宝法王的选择,并在竹庆本乐仁波切和迪雅竹奔仁波切的指导下,KC16 在沃兹沃思(Wadsworth)购买了土地,距离第十六世噶玛巴圆寂的地方仅几英里。

我们的使命是纪念法王,建造一座代表法身的佛塔、一座纪念馆、禅堂、闭关中心以及第十七世噶玛巴法王的住所。 我们的愿望是让KC16成为朝圣者和后代了解佛教的地方,特别是第十六世噶玛巴的佛行事业和历代噶玛巴鼓舞人心的历史。

Join Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche for a Weekend Retreat on Wise Compassion

Dear friends of Karmapa Center 16,

Treasury of Knowledge and the Contemplative Resource Center (CRC) are extremely happy to extend an early invitation to you for a weekend retreat with our precious teacher to deepen your dharma practice.

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche will be teaching a weekend retreat titled Wise Compassion: Navigating Dark Times with a Courageous Heart Friday, October 20 through Sunday, October 22, 2023.

The retreat with Rinpoche will be held live in San Antonio, Texas, and simultaneously available worldwide via Zoom. The teachings will be simultaneously translated into Chinese and Spanish.

Join us as we immerse ourselves in the profound teachings on merging our compassion with deep wisdom that creates skillful action. Guided by the wisdom of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, this weekend offers an opportunity for deepening our practice and sangha connections.

We have very limited spots available for the in-person program (and hotel rooms) and wanted to give you the first access to register. Please don’t wait.

Event Details:

Date: Friday evening, October 20 through Sunday afternoon, October 22, 2023

Location: Live in San Antonio, Texas, and via Zoom

Registration Fee: In-person $305 (includes a vegetarian lunch each day, value $60), Online $195

Hotel Discount: We have negotiated a steep discounted rate of $119/night (standard rates are$183/night)at our designated hotel, accessible once you register. We have limited rooms available, so please grab your hotel room once you register.

How to Register:

Secure your spot for the in-person or online experience.

Navigating Dark Times with a Courageous Heart with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Once you register, you will receive your confirmation with hotel location and link with special room rates.

We look forward to sharing this time of wisdom and contemplation with you, whether in person or online.

Hope to see you in the course,
Karmapa Center 16

PS: Please feel free to reach out to CRC at if you have any questions or need assistance with your registration.



Film Screening, Panel Discussion, and Q&A

Saturday, October 30, 2021 @ 5:00p CT

If you missed the benefit screening of The Lion’s Roar and would like to view the film, you can stream the film from Kalapa Media. If you are a registered participant for the 40th Parinirvana Anniversary, you can find the Panel Discussion and Q&A recording on the Participant Resources page.

Please join Karmapa Center 16 for a special benefit screening of The Lion’s Roar, a masterful portrait of the late 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, the great Tibetan Buddhist master known as the Black Hat Lama. The movie will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.

Panelists for the discussion and Q&A include Larry Mermelstein, executive director of the Nalanda Translation Committee, and Judy Lief, Shambhala Acharya Emeritus. Dan Hirshberg, author of Remembering the Lotus-Born: Padmasambhava in the History of Tibet’s Golden Age and founder of Soteric Contemplative Training, will moderate the discussion.



Please register below to receive updates about Karmapa Center 16’s upcoming event commemorating the parinirvana of His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa.


Thank you for your generosity in supporting Karmapa Center 16 in building a stupa for His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa. Your transaction has been completed.

If you used PayPal, a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Log into your PayPal account to view transaction details.

Karmapa Center 16 is a non-profit organization, a 501(c)(3) public charity; donations to Karmapa Center 16 are tax-deductible in the US. As such, if you are a resident of the United States, you will receive a tax letter after the end of the year for donations from the previous year.




  1. 您何时初次接触佛法?当听说第十六世噶玛巴尊者时,您的修持是怎样的?16th
  2. 您记得初次见到法王是怎样的?
  3. 您在那些法会中担任过什么角色?
  4. 跟法王的遇见,您最特别的故事
  5. 遇见法王对您的生命有什么影响?
  6. 若您见证了临近涅槃的法王,您有否看到他对待疾病的不寻常之处?
  7. 见过第十六世法王的您,见到第十七世法王是什么感觉?17th 16th
  8. 关于第十六世法王,您还想分享什么?
  9. 作为灵塔、朝圣地、纪念和了解噶玛巴的地方,噶玛巴16中心对你来说意味着什么? 您想让人们记住他什么?



有问题吗, 请在此请问!

General Inquiries:
Media Inquiries:

若您有关于第十六世大宝法王噶玛巴的故事或照片,请使用此表格: 故事分享.

Karmapa Center 16
41230 N Kilbourne Rd
Wadsworth IL 60083