As previously announced, thanks to all of your contributions so far, we are 86% of the way to our goal of purchasing the land for The Karmapa Center 16 memorial stupa hall.
We are now thrilled to announce that another generous donor and her company have offered a $100,000 Challenge Grant for the remaining funds to purchase the land and cover operating costs for the first half of the 2016! We have two months from January 31st to meet this challenge, or until March 31, 2016, during which period any donation will be doubled by this kind benefactor.
We gratefully celebrate the wonderful auspicious connections that have already made with His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and the project to memorialize his life and activity at the location of his Parinirvana.
We ask that you please continue to help spread the word to anyone who may share a connection with or interest in this project. Be part of this unique and auspicious endeavor—please help us meet this challenge!