Be Part of this Historic Project

Please Help Manifest this Precious Monument

Our vast aspiration is to establish a place for pilgrimage, meditation, retreat, study, and refuge, in honor of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. This ambitious undertaking consists of three phases, and we invite all those who feel a connection with the dharma and the Karmapa lineage, to be part of this project, in any capacity. With your help, may our collective aspirations come to perfect completion, free of obstacles to benefit Karmapa devotees worldwide and to promote peace and harmony across the globe. All contributions, large or small, will help accomplish our goal. Scroll to the bottom of this page to make a one-time or recurring donation. 

Donors of $5,000 or more will have their names listed on the stone inscription pillar in the courtyard. Donors of $100,000 or more will have their names inscribed on a memorial plaque at the entryway of the stupa building.

Phase 1

Complete! Raised $985,000. Purchased ten-acre property, began Planned Unit Development (PUD) work. 

Phase 2

Planning/building the the Stupa Temple, the 17th Karmapa’s house and finishing the engineering and landscape.

Phase 3

Planning/building retreat houses, garage, shed and beautification of grounds for wildlife. 

Karmapa Center 16 has already grown into a precious site to practice, study, and internalize the lasting history and teachings of the Karmapas. The former living room of the caretakers’ house is now a beautiful shrine room where we conduct Tārā puja every morning and Mahakala puja every afternoon. Our resident teacher, Acharya Lhakpa Tshering, offers guided meditation every Sunday and other practices throughout the year, especially our Annual Parinirvana Anniversary of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa, onsite and online in November. 

The second phase includes building the Stupa Temple, designing a house for His Holiness, the 17th Karmapa, and finishing the engineering and landscaping of the compound. Helping to build the Temple for His Holiness the 16th Karmapa’s Parinirvana Stupa, will offer powerful connections with the compassionate life example and teachings of HH the 16th Karmapa. Creating this temple will fulfill vast aspirations to benefit beings and encourage individuals to visit for pilgrimage, study, and practice of the dharma in general, the Kagyü in particular, and especially the lineage of the Karmapas.   

A stupa stands as a physical symbol for the enlightened body, speech, and most essentially the mind of the guru. Stupas are built for the protection and preservation of nature, warding off natural disasters, as well as a place for current and future practitioners to gain merit. If one practices at this stupa, following one’s teacher’s advice, relative obstacles are removed and ultimately one can achieve enlightenment.

Legacy Gifts

Karmapa Center 16 welcomes your consideration of a legacy gift. Donations can be made in your will, with retirement assets, via life insurance, policies, and other estate planning vehicles. A legacy gift helps to establish and propagate the dharma in the west and continues to generate blessings for generations to come.

To learn more, please contact