If you met His Holiness the 16th Karmapa in America on one of his three visits or at the time of his Parinirvana (or on one of his tours of Asia or Europe) and would like to share your story of the encounter, please use the form below to do so.

Here are some questions that can help guide your reflections.

  1. When did you first encounter Buddhism and what was your relationship with practice by the time you heard about His Holiness 16th Karmapa. 
  2. What is your memory of meeting HH for the first time?
  3. What was your role during any of the visits?
  4. Relate a story that stands out to you during your time with HH. 
  5. Did your encounter with HH affect your life in any way? 
  6. If you witnessed HH near the time of his Parinirvana, was there anything unusual about his reaction to his illness that you observed?
  7. If you have seen the 17th Karmapa, what was that like after knowing the 16th Karmapa?
  8. What else about your interaction with HHK 16 would you like to share?
  9. What does the Karmapa Center 16 as a stupa, pilgrimage site, commemoration and place of study about the Karmapas mean to you?  What do you want people to remember about him?

Story/Photos/Media Submissions: media@karmapacenter16.org


Board of Directors

Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche

Founding Board Member & President

Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche was trained as a youth by His Holiness and other great lamas. He attended HH the 16th Karmapa during his time of treatment in Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital and in Chicago American International Clinic in 1981. Rinpoche is a graduate of the Karma Shri Nalanda Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies, in Sikkim, India (under the Sanskrit University in Varanasi) from which he received a degree of Acharya. Rinpoche served at Nalanda Institute areas of Student Welfare and Library.

Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche graduated from Nalanda Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies in 1991, and continued to serve there until 1992 when Rinpoche assumed duties as abbot of Dilyak Monastery in Nepal. Since the mid-1990s, Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche has offered an increasing portion of his time to Nalandabodhi, advising both students and teachers with steady temperament, deep awareness, and considerable practical acumen.

Rinpoche served HH the 17th Karmapa for nine years beginning in 2000.

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche


The founder and president of Nalandabodhi, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, is a leading Buddhist teacher in North America and an advocate of American and Western Buddhism. A lover of music, art and urban culture, Rinpoche is a poet, an avid photographer, an accomplished calligrapher and visual artist, as well as a prolific author. Rinpoche is fluent in English and well-versed in Western culture and technology. He is also the founder of Nitartha International, a non-profit educational corporation dedicated to preserving the contemplative literature of East Asia.

Rinpoche is acknowledged as one of the foremost scholars and meditation masters of his generation in the Nyingma and Kagyu schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He is known for his sharp intellect, humor, and easygoing teaching style.

Rinpoche is author of several books, including Emotional Rescue and Rebel Buddha: On the Road to Freedom. Other titles include Mind Beyond Death, Wild Awakening: The Heart of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, and Penetrating Wisdom: The Aspiration of Samantabhadra. He is a frequent contributor to Buddhadharma: A Practitioner’s Quarterly and the Shambhala Sun. His writings also appear in issues of Best Buddhist Writing and other anthologies. Rinpoche is active on Twitter and in the blogosphere, where you can find his posts on blogs such as Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, Shambhala Sunspace and others.

Please see dpr.info for more info.

Acharya Lhakpa Tshering

Board Member & Fundraiser

Acharya Lhakpa Tshering was born in Bhutan and entered monastic school at age 12. In 1993, he enrolled at Rumtek Monastery’s Karma Shri Nalanda Institute in Sikkim, India. In 2002, Acharya Lhakpa graduated with a masters in Buddhist studies, also known as an acharya degree. After completing his studies, he served as co-librarian with Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche, as a teacher at Karma Shri Nalanda Institute, and as an editor for Nitartha Publications in Kathmandu, Nepal. Acharya Lhakpa moved in 2006 to Nalanda West in Seattle, Washington, and since then he has moved between the West and East coasts, serving as a resident teacher for Nalandabodhi centers on both coasts. He was also recently a visiting teacher at Nalandabodhi in Brazil.

Lama Rabten Tshering

Board Member

Lama Rabten Tshering is the resident teacher and spiritual director of Nalandabodhi Canada. His dharma education started at a very young age and he spent his early years training at Rumtek Monastery, seat of Gyalwang Karmapa in Sikkim, India. In 1992, Lama Rabten served as Assistant Disciplinary Master of Rumtek Monastery, appointed by Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche and Goshir Gyaltsap Rinpoche, and carried out this responsibility for five years.

In 1997, Lama Rabten entered a three-year retreat at Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche’s Pullahari Retreat Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal. While there he completed more training in meditation and tantra under the guidance of Drupon Khenpo Lodro Namgyal, Bokar Rinpoche, Tenga Rinpoche, and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche.

To serve the Nalandabodhi community, Lama Rabten came to Canada in 2002 under the invitation of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. He currently teaches regularly at Maitrivana, Nalandabodhi Canada’s headquarters in Vancouver; and travels to Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax to teach and guide students in their meditation practices.

Lynne Conrad Marvet

Board Member & Secretary

Lynne Conrad Marvet is an artist, performer, teacher and professional fundraiser. Born and raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee she developed a passion for the creative arts, community organizing, public speaking, and racial justice. She attended college at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and studied visual arts at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. At Northwestern University, she was introduced to Buddhist philosophy and meditation. In 1980 she moved to New York City and attended a Black Crown Ceremony with His Holiness, the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. Afterwards, she became a student of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Abbot of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra in Woodstock, New York. 

In the 1980s, Lynne helped to coordinate programs and received teachings from numerous great Tibetan Buddhist masters in New York City.  In 1988 she met and received teachings from Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche in Woodstock and New York City. Lynne has been his student since then. In 1990 she began serving as Ponlop Rinpoche’s travel secretary arranged teaching tours for him. In 1994 Lynne and her husband, Marty helped Ponlop Rinpoche establish Nitartha International, a nonprofit education corporation to preserve ancient texts in digital formats. She serves as a member of the Nitartha International Board. In 1999, Lynne and Marty moved to Seattle to help Ponlop Rinpoche establish a headquarters for Nalandabodhi, the Buddhist community of his students.

Lynne is a meditation instructor and facilitates Buddhist study classes for Nalandabodhi Seattle. She helped to found Nalanda West in Seattle and served as Co-Director from 2004 to 2008. As a Certified Fundraising Executive, she has raised more than $40 million for nonprofit organizations in the greater Seattle area and New York City. In April 2019 she was the Artist-in-Residence at Nalanda West. Lynne believes in the healing power of kindness, humor, and all forms of artistic expression.

Gerry Wiener

Board Member & IT

Gerry Wiener is a software engineer working at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. He began his Buddhist studies with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1971 and studied under Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche until his parinirvana in 1987. Gerry received teachings from His Holiness, the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje in 1974 and in 1980 during the times His Holiness was visiting the United States. Gerry has continued his Tibetan Buddhist studies under Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche focusing on Tibetan translation and the development of the Nitartha Digital Library.


Sophie Gordon

Office Supervisor

Sophie has worked in various health care jobs here and there in North America. Her current focus is on animal care. Sophie became a student of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche in 2014 after a teaching he gave at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD) in Woodstock, NY. She is very grateful to Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche and Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche for the opportunity to contribute the marvelous Karmapa Center 16 project.

Mitchell Owen


Mitchell holds a Bachelors of Science in Architecture from The Georgia Institute of Technology, a Masters of Architecture from Princeton University, and a Masters of Arts in Architectural History, Theory, and Criticism from Princeton University. He is also a Part Time Assistant Professor at Parsons School of Design in New York City where he has taught architectural design, history, and theory in both the undergraduate and graduate programs since 2000.

Karen de Luna

Admin & Media

A student of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Karen first heard stories about His Holiness the 16th Karmapa while she was a student in the Shambhala tradition. An inveterate polymath, Karen is an artist and graphic designer (delunatic.net). She is grateful to the lineage that has revealed to her a plethora of methods for training her mind.

Juli Goetz Morser

Writer & Editor

Juli Goetz Morser is a writer, poet and editor. As a child, she often played among the grassy sand dunes on the beaches of Zion, having grown up 10 miles down the road from Karmapa Center 16. She was delighted when Damayonti Sengupta first told her about locating the property, and later when she asked her to write about the Center and now the Stupa Project. Juli is grateful to help with such a blessed project.

For a number of years, Juli dined on the smorgasbord of dharma, tasting a variety of traditions, before enrolling in Nitartha Institute in 2008, where she met Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. Rinpoche became her teacher in 2010.

Giovanna Mingarelli


Giovanna S. C. Mingarelli plays the dual role of international technology entrepreneur and thought leader. For 15 years Giovanna has worked in the field of political and digital communications. She has served in the press office of a former Prime Minister of Canada and has been a Parliamentary witness, speaking to the importance of young women in elected politics. An expert on the gamification of social engagement, politics and crowdsourcing, she has been an active contributor to events such as the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos and has contributed to media outlets such as the Huffington Post, The Hill Times, Harvard Business Review, CBC/Radio-Canada amongst other media outlets. She is the CEO and Co-Founder of M&C Consulting, Inc. and MC2. Her goal is to make life a game that we play.

Olga Leitch

Crowdfunding: Fundraising

Olga Leitch’s spiritual name is Karma Ozer Lhamo. She is a graduate student at the University of Chicago, philosophy of religion field. The Karmapa Center 16 Stupa project is her heart aspiration and an unsurpassable blessing.

Jay Alper

Crowdfunding: Social Media

Jay Alper was born and reared in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania and the outskirts of Philadelphia. He attended to his studies at universities in Tucson, Arizona, Santa Cruz and San Francisco, California. His introduction to Buddhism came upon being gifted the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying on his nineteenth birthday which subsequently prompted a major paradigm shift in his thought process in how he saw the world and its inhabitants.

Jay has always been deeply dedicated to advocating for children and the elderly through listening, teaching, mentoring and companionship. After years of working in public schools, hospitals and radio stations he has since pivoted his focus to communications aiding on crowdfunding projects and his own artistic pursuits. He has enthusiastically worked in conjunction with MC2 the last three years to improve the world through altruistic acts of kindness. His primary life goal is to help the marginalized and disenfranchised through high level communication and technology. This turn was born out of being active in the fertile shanga in San Francisco and his own personal studies.

Upon moving to Seattle in 2017, he was blessed to meet Ponlop Rinpoche who has so kindly served as both a bottomless well of inspiration and guiding light ever since. Save performing life releases nothing brings him greater joy than availing his time and service to Nalanda West or the Sakya Monastery in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle. He views working on behalf of The Karmapa Center 16 in realizing the Stupa Project as a once in a lifetime honor and privilege as he counts himself extremely fortunate to help commemorate His Holiness with such a lasting fitting tribute.

Sam Scoggins


Born in Canada, Sam grew up in Bristol, England. He studied Photography and Film at the oldest photography school in the UK at the London College of Printing. He then undertook a three year Master of Arts at The Royal College of Art film school. Sam taught Film and Video theory and production and some photography to undergraduate and postgraduate students for 10 years at Canterbury Christ Church University. After a diverse career in digital media in the UK, including working as the Creative Director of a Web Design Agency and the Managing Director of a Computer Company, Sam moved to New York in 2007. In the US he has developed his Fine Art practice, working with digital video, photography, painting, VR and computer art. Most recently Sam has been working at the intersection of A.I. and Landscape Photography.

Supporting Organizations

MOD Group

(formerly Consolidated Design Studios)

MOD Group
, (Mitchell Owen Design, MOD, LLC, Mitchell Owen Architect) is the new and expanded iteration of Consolidated Design Studios. Integrating Architecture, Interior Design and Furniture Design into one cohesive and comprehensive practice, we tailor customized design solutions for clients throughout the US.


Questions? Please send us a message!

General Inquiries: contact@karmapacenter16.org
Media Inquiries: media@karmapacenter16.org

If you have a story or photos related to His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa, please use this form: Story Submissions.

Karmapa Center 16
41230 N Kilbourne Rd
Wadsworth IL 60083



Parinirvana Site

At the time of His Holiness’ Parinirvana, per the movie Lion’s Roar, the medical facility where His Holiness was being treated was called the American International Clinic. As of January 2015, the facility is now operating as a location of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

Lama Phuntsok reports that the original two-story building (top right) is still there but has been remodeled, and new/extended additions have been attached. His Holiness’ room (middle right) had window(s) facing the park, which must have been on what is now a solid windowless wall (in the area behind the small tree on the right side of the large photo).

The hospital did not allow more than three people to stay in His Holiness’ room at any given time. There was a separate apartment building nearby where attendants stayed (Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche, Lama Phuntsok, etc.), those who were not permitted to stay with His Holiness at all times. The attendants’ apartment building is visible on the right side of photo, behind the no parking sign (top left).

The Significance of Northern Illinois

His Holiness 16th Gyalwang Karmapa passed away in the American International Clinic (now operating as a location of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America), in Zion, IL, on November 5, 1981.

For Buddhist practitioners, the death of a teacher such as the 16th Karmapa is called Parinirvana—enlightenment, or complete awakening—and the place surrounding the location of such an occurence becomes a holy place. Similarly, Buddhists today celebrate the Buddha Shakyamuni (the historical Buddha of our time)’s parinirvana, or enlightenment, and pilgrims visit the four major sites/places associated with Shakyamuni Buddha’s life. Therefore, by building a temple here, students and practitioners from around the world will see this stupa as a holy pilgrimage site and are invited to come to visit the temple, have retreats, visit the city and contribute to the local economy. The retreat center and meditation hall are open to all who are interested without discrimination.

Our teacher the 16th Karmapa said that building stupas are good activities to benefit the environment and beings. In general, a stupa is a symbol for the enlightened body, speech, and mind of the guru—most essentially, the mind of the guru. Stupas are built for the protection of the environment and to prevent natural disasters.

It is not an accident that His Holiness attained parinirvana here in Illinois, in the United States. This area is considered to be a sacred site, and we wish to honor His presence there by offering a stupa as a monument to His great being, and as a place for current and future practitioners to gain merit. If one practices at this stupa, following one’s teacher’s advice, relatively obstacles are removed and ultimately one can achieve enlightenment.

The Karmapas have a strong connection to the United States. The 17th Karmapa’s first foreign visit was to the United States in 2008.

Karmapa Center 16’s Mission Statement

The mission of Karmapa Center 16 is to commemorate His Holiness the 16th Karmapa with a stupa, memorial, meditation hall, retreat center, and place to learn and study about the history of Buddhism and the Karma Kagyu lineage. The center is in close proximity to the place of his passing, or parinirvana, and offers the opportunity for interested visitors to pay respects, conduct pilgrimage, meditate, visit and learn.


Biography of His Holiness Sixteenth Karmapa

Rangjung Rigpe Dorje (1924–1981)

Unerringly seeing the nature of dharmas and dharmata just as it is,

You expand the wisdom of omniscience

And give glorious bliss to the minds of all beings.

Rigpe Dorje, we supplicate at your feet.

— from Supplication to the Karmapas

The Sixteenth Gyalwang Karmapa, Rangjung Khyapdak Rigpe Dorje, was born in Denkhok in the Derge province of east Tibet, near the Golden River, commonly known as Drichu. His father, Tsewang Ngondrup, who held the rank of a Prince of Derge, was from a noble family called Athup. His mother was named Kalzang Chöden. He was born on the fifteenth day of the sixth month of the Wood-Mouse year (1924), amidst many wondrous signs and indications of the birth of a great being. From the very beginning of his conception, the Fifth Dzogchen Rinpoche Thupten Chökyi Dorje had predicted that he would be an emanation of a great bodhisattva, and chose for the place of birth a secluded pure environment called “Lion Sky Cave.” He had provided guidance on cleansing ceremonies for the birth preparation, and subsequently conferred the name Thupten Gelek.

It is said that at one point toward the very end of the pregnancy, the future Karmapa disappeared entirely from his mother’s womb for a whole day. The day of his birth, his mother returned to her normal pregnancy size and soon gave birth to this great bodhisattva. Those present heard him say to his mother that he would be leaving soon. Tai Situpa had a dream of the Fifteenth Karmapa, in cross-legged meditation posture, holding a bell and dorje and floating above the home of his parents. Before recognizing the incarnation, he checked the details of the birth with those in the prediction letter given by the Fifteenth Karmapa to his student, Gelong Jampal Tsultrim. The letter had been written in a cipher. Jampal Tsultrim handed the letter to the authorities at Tsurphu Monastery, who then asked Tai Situpa, Beru Khyentse, and Jamgön Kongtrul to decode it and clarify the points. A search party subsequently located the incarnation based on the details of the letter. The Eleventh Tai Situpa soon recognized the child as being the new reincarnation of the Gyalwa Karmapa and sought confirmation from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Eventually, the Dalai Lama gave his acknowledgment.

At the age of seven, Tai Situpa and Jamgön Kongtrul came to the home of his father, and offered the long life empowerment, a haircut ceremony, full upasaka vow and the name Palden Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, as predicted in the Fifteenth Karmapa’s Last Testament. When he was eight years old, he traveled to Palpung at the invitation of Tai Situpa. On the way to Palpung Monastery, he was received by the King of Derge with a grand reception and also stopped to visit and bless the Derge monastic publishing house, foreshadowing his publication of the Buddhist canon in India. An initial enthronement as the Sixteenth Karmapa, Rangjung Khyabdak Rigpe Dorje, from Tai Situpa took place in Palpung. At Palpung he began to receive his basic education from Geshe Tashi Tsering.

A delegation arrived from Tsurphu to invite the Karmapa. Tai Situpa then accompanied him on the long journey to Tsurphu. Along the way, at one of the grand receptions for him during his journey, he was met by the General Secretary, who offered the Karmapa the Black Crown and ceremonial robes brought to him from Tsurphu. At that time, the young Karmapa performed the first Vajra Crown ceremony, and many auspicious and wondrous signs arose. Upon his arrival in Tsurphu, the new incarnation was greeted by Goshri Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Nenang Pawo Rinpoche and many other masters, as well as the whole sangha.

Soon after his arrival at Tsurphu, the Sixteenth Karmapa traveled to Lhasa and the Thirteenth Dalai Lama performed a haircut ceremony for the Karmapa, conferring upon Karmapa the name Thupten Rigdröl Yeshe, and offered him the composition of a long-life prayer for the Sixteenth Karmapa. While so doing, the Dalai Lama had a vision of the ever-present wisdom crown above the Karmapa’s head. When the Dalai Lama’s chief cabinet officer became concerned that the Karmapa had not removed his hat when meeting the Dalai Lama, he then realized that the Karmapa was not wearing a material hat but was manifesting a wisdom crown, which the officer was momentarily able to percieve.

Shortly thereafter, the Karmapa was officially enthroned at his main seat of Tsurphu, in the presence of Jamgön Tai Situ, Pema Wangchuk Gyalpo, Kyapgon Drukchen, Mipham Chökyi Wangpo, Gyaltsab Trakpa Gyatso, Pawo Tsuklak Mawa, and many other great masters, dignitaries and lay monastic sangha members. The Sixteenth Karmapa began engaging in intensive studies, including the study of many sutrayana texts with Bo Gangkar Rinpoche.

He subsequently traveled to Palpung Monastery. When traveling to Palpung, many extraordinary signs manifested. At a small lake in the Drong Tup area, in the tradition of the Karmapas and their inconceivable activity, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje left his footprints in water. Among his many teachers were Jamgön Tai Situ Pema Wangchuk Gyalpo, from whom he received the major lineage transmissions, empowerments such as the Kagyu Ngagdzö (a collection of the most precious tantric teachings of the Kagyu lineage), and instructions, and whom he took as his principal guru. In all, the Karmapa spent many years at Palpung receiving transmissions from Tai Situ Rinpoche. At fifteen, while in Palpung, the Karmapa received the novice ordination from Tai Situpa Pema Wangchuk Gyalpo as abbot. Subsequently, he received the bodhisattva vows of both Mahayana lineages of profound view and vast conduct from Tai Situpa, and received the name “Bodhisattva Lodrö Zhiwe Nyingpo Shenpen Chökyi Dawa.” During his stay in Palpung, the Karmapa also traveled extensively ineastern Tibet, including a trip to Dzongsar Monastery, where he was received by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, and where the Karmapa performed a Vajra Crown ceremony. At the monastery of Chogyur Lingpa, the Karmapa’s arrival resulted in the end of a long drought that had been afflicting the monastery. Karmapa also visited the Lithang Pangphuk monastery, where he left footprints in solid rock. On his way back to Tsurphu in 1940, he conducted the haircutting ceremony for Trungpa Chökyi Gyamtso in Surmang. Also on that trip, he visited Benchen monastery, Thrangu and many other monasteries.

Upon arrival back in Tsurphu, the Karmapa paid his first respects to Tenzin Gyatso, the newly recognized Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Between 1941 and 1944, the young Karmapa spent much time in retreat at Tsurphu monastery, which underwent expansion during this period.

Beginning in 1944, the Karmapa began to strengthen relationships with neighboring Buddhist states in the Himalayan region as well as with India. During a pilgrimage in southern Tibet, he accepted an invitation from Jigme Dorje Wangchuk, the king of Bhutan; the Karmapa and his party visited Bumthang and other areas in Bhutan, engaging in many spiritual activities.

After returning to Tsurphu, in 1946 at the age of twenty-three, he received the full ordination from Tai Situ Pema Wangchuk Gyalpo as abbot. He engaged in restoring and built new temples in Tsurphu and refined monastic practice and study training at Tsurphu.

In 1947, the Karmapa and his party set out on a grand pilgrimage to Nepal, India, and Sikkim, accompanied in part by his younger brother, the Sixth Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. They visited the major places of the Buddha’s life: Lumbini, just inside Nepal where the Buddha was born, Sarnath where he first taught, and Bodh Gaya, the place of Buddha’s enlightenment. He subsequently traveled through Kinnaur in northern India, to Tso Pema, where a host of white snakes suddenly appeared on a legendary lake near one of Guru Rinpoche’s caves, and Purang to visit Mount Kailash. During this pilgrimage, at the request of the Sikkimese Kagyu monasteries, the Karmapa visited Gangtok, Sikkim, where he was received by the King of Sikkim, Tashi Namgyal, at his court. Upon his return to Tibet, he visited many monasteries. Subsequently, the Karmapa returned to Tsurphu. In 1949, he began receiving many transmissions, such as the Rinchen Terdzo (The Great Treasury of the Precious Termas, the hidden teachings of Padmasambhava), the Mahamudra: Ocean of Definitive Meaning pointing out instructions and essential points of the Six Dharmas of Naropa, from the Second Jamgön Kongtrul Palden Khyentse Öser, and the Karmapa took him as one of his principal lineage gurus. He also studied with many other teachers, such as receiving tantric teachings with Khyentse Rinpoche.

In 1954, the Karmapa sent a prediction letter providing the details of the rebirth of the Third Jamgön Kongtrul incarnation; the second had passed into parinirvana in 1952. Also in that year, with the Dalai Lama, the Karmapa and other high lamas of Tibet visited China. Returning to Tibet, the Karmapa went to Palpung to enthrone the reincarnation of Tai Situpa. Returning to Tsurphu, he stopped at many monasteries in eastern Tibet. In 1955, His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited Tsurphu. Two years later, in 1957, the Karmapa and party traveled to Sikkim and from there continued on pilgrimage to India. The Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama, and the Karmapa had all been invited by the Mahabodhi Society of India to join the celebration of the 2,500th anniversary of Buddhism. During this trip, the Karmapa and his party revisited the holy sites of India as pilgrims.

Also during this visit, the Karmapa strengthened his ties to his disciples Chögyal Tashi Namgyal, the King of Sikkim and King Jigme Dorje Wangchuk of Bhutan, as well as Jetsun Tsultrim Palmo, the Bhutanese Buddhist princess. While in Sikkim, the King of Sikkim invited him to visit Rumtek, the monastery in Sikkim that the Ninth Karmapa had founded at the end of the sixteenth century. The Karmapa was unable to accept the invitation at that time but said that he would go there in the future when it would be needed. The Karmapa returned from pilgrimage to Tsurphu in 1957. He recognized the reincarnation of Gyaltsabpa, and conducted a haircut ceremony and enthroned him in Tsurphu.

Since the mid-1950’s, hostilities between Chinese troops and residents of eastern Tibet had been growing, and the troubles soon expanded to other regions throughout Tibet. The Karmapa did what he could to mediate the conflicts. He had forseen the development of such troubles, predicting in his composition in 1944 entitled “The Song Whose Time Has Come: The Melodius Hum of a Bee,” that he would soon be required to leave Tsurphu. He had in fact advised some of his students to leave, but himself stayed behind as long as possible. The Sixteenth Karmapa had foreseen the “untold grief ” leaving his “fledgling” disciples behind would cause. However, by 1959, time had run out.

In the Spring of 1959, the Karmapa informed the Dalai Lama of his intention to leave his homeland. Later that year, accompanied by a large entourage, the Karmapa left Tsurphu and fled Tibet. The escape was headed by the General Secretary for the Karmapa, Damchö Yongdu. The traveling party included the reincarnation of Shamar Rinpoche, the young Gyaltsabpa, the Karmapa’s younger brother Ponlop Rinpoche, Dabsang Rinpoche, meditation master Dilyak Drupon Tenzin, and many other masters. The party brought with them whatever they could of the sacred heritage of the Karmapas, including the famous Vajra Crown, statues, paintings, books, reliquaries, and other precious items of the lineage of the Karmapas. The timing and organization of the departure, aided by the foresight of the Karmapa in scheduling the journey, made for relatively easy travel to the border of Bhutan. After three weeks, the party arrived safely in northern Bhutan, where the most senior Bhutanese government officials received them, including Jetsun Tsultrim Palmo, the Bhutanese Buddhist princess. Subsequently, the Karmapa received the King of Bhutan and stengthened their spiritual relationship. The King of Bhutan, and the whole of the Bhutanese citizenry, offered a warm welcome and great service to the party.

Tashi Namgyal, the King (Chögyal) of Sikkim invited the Karmapa to visit, and shortly thereafter the Karmapa received two delegations, one headed by Minister Banyak Athing, representing the government of Sikkim, and the other headed by Minister Atuk Babu, representing the government of India. When the Karmapa arrived in Sikkim, King Tashi Namgyal offered the Karmapa the opportunity to establish his seat in Sikkim. Because of the connection established in the early 1700s between the Twelfth Karmapa Changchub Dorje and the King of Sikkim, the Karmapa accepted Tashi Namgyal’s offer. Two months after entering Bhutan the party arrived in Gangtok, Sikkim. Tai Situ joined the Karmapa at that time. Of the several sites proposed by the King of Sikkim, the Karmapa chose to settle at Rumtek, stating that Rumtek would be his seat outside Tibet, although he planned one day to return to Tsurphu. Shortly after the Chögyal extended his offer, the Karmapa and his party left Gangtok for Rumtek.

Established many centuries earlier through the blessings of the Ninth and Twelfth Karmapas, by 1959 Rumtek Monastery was almost in ruins. The surrounding area was also undeveloped and had no facilities for supporting the Karmapa and his party. The Karmapa, teachers, and community lived in temporary quarters for many years as resources were gathered to begin construction of new facilities to support the Karmapa’s monastic seat and surrounding lay community. During this period, the young incarnation of Jamgön Kongtrul joined the Karmapa. His Holiness performed the hair-cutting ceremony, enthroned him as the Third Jamgön Kongtrul, and conferred many empowements upon him.

In 1962, Benchen Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche and Ponlop Rinpoche passed away in Rumtek.

Construction to build a new seat for the Karmapa at Rumtek began when the foundation stone of the new monastic center was laid by the new king of Sikkim, who had assumed responsibility for the kingdom after his predecessor had passed away. Construction was led by the Karmapa’s General Secretary, Damchö Yongdu. It was funded primarily through the generosity of the Sikkimese royal family and that of the Indian government, the latter funding arising from the Karmapa’s meeting with Pandit Nehru.

The Karmapa requested His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama to allow the recognition of the Shamar Rinpoche line of reincarnate masters (which had been abrogated in 1791 by Chinese Imperial edict). After His Holiness agreed, the Karmapa recognized the Shamar incarnation in 1964. He also recognized the incarnations of the Twelfth Kyapgön Drukchen and Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche. Construction of Rumtek was completed in 1965, and the sacred items and relics brought from Tsurphu were installed there. On Tibetan New Year’s Day, the Sixteenth Karmapa officially inaugurated the new seat, called “The Dharmachakra Centre, a place of erudition and spiritual accomplishment, the seat of the glorious Karmapa.” From that time forward, the Karmapa began the process of reinstituting the study and practice traditions of the Karmapas as had been continued over the centuries at Tsurphu, Karma Gön and the Karmapas’ other seats and meditation retreats in Tibet. The Sixteenth Karmapa appointed Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche as Chief Abbot and Venerable Tenga Rinpoche as Vajra Master of the new main seat in Rumtek. The Sixteenth Karmapa established a three year retreat center in Sikkim and appointed Venerable Bokar Rinpoche as the Retreat Master. The Karmapa established many monasteries and retreat centers in Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, Ladakh and many other parts of India. In Calcutta, he established Karma Gön. He trained many eminent rinpoches, lamas and monks at his main seat in Rumtek. The Karmapa recognized many incarnations, including the Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, whom he enthroned in 1968, and the Dilyak Drupon Tenzin Rinpoche.

From the early 1960’s, the Karmapa inspired and gave guidance to many Kagyu masters for bringing the genuine lineage teachings of wisdom and compassion to Western countries, Africa, southeast Asia and Australia. He established many centers in the West, in America, Canada, and Europe, such as Karma Triyana Dharmachakra in New York, and in Asia. Under the guidance of the Karmapa, hundreds of dharma centers have been established throughout the world and thousands of dedicated and enthusiastic students have been trained in the study and meditation practices of the Buddhadharma.

In 1974 the Sixteenth Karmapa set out on his first world tour, visiting the United States, Canada, and Europe. Accompanied by other teachers, and a full entourage of monks and staff, he performed the Black Crown ceremony in the Western hemisphere for the first time, gave empowerments, and provided Dharma advice. In January the next year, the Karmapa flew to Rome and met with Pope Paul VI.

During 1976-77, the Karmapa again traveled to the West for a more extended visit, followed by a wide-ranging world tour. He visited religious centers on four continents and met heads of state, religious leaders, elders of many traditions, and people from the world of the arts.

On November 28, 1979, the Karmapa laid the ground for the construction of Karme Chökor-Ü (Karme Dharma Chakra Central) in New Delhi, at a ceremony attended by the president and prime minister of India. The Centre was envisioned as an international study, practice, and translation center. During this time also, the Karmapa engaged in an extensive preservation and publication process to conserve endangered Buddhist scriptures. During the late 70s and 80s, he arranged for the publication and distribution of the Kagyur (the translated words of the Buddha Shakyamuni) and the Tengyur (the translated treatises of Indian masters). The Kagyur was distributed without cost to all the schools of Tibetan Buddhism, and the Tengyur was distributed for a nominal fee.

In 1980, the Karmapa began the construction of Karma Shri Nalanda Monastic College (Shedra), which was to become the central institution for providing complete and comprehensive training for monastics in all aspects of Buddhist studies in general and in the Kagyu lineage view in particular. He also provided the complete roadmap for the Shedra by drafting the curriculum for students and creating an operating plan for the school. The Shedra was blessed by the Dalai Lama and later officially inaugurated shortly after the Karmapa entered parinirvana in 1981.

The Karmapa’s last world tour began in May 1980 and took him to Greece, England, the United States, and Southeast Asia, where he gave teachings, Black Crown ceremonies, empowerments, interviews, audiences, and engaged in many beneficial activities.

The Sixteenth Karmapa’s Last Testament was extensive and detailed, consisting of a number of prophetic poems and a detailed letter. Although he had predicted in 1944 that he would someday be forced to leave Tsurphu, he also promised in that poem that he would someday return “in great joy” to Tsurphu. “In January of 1981, he gave to his heart son, the Twelfth Tai Situpa, a protection amulet with a brocade cover, and said, “This is your protection amulet. In the future, it will confer great benefit.” Many years later, the amulet was discovered to contain the Sixteenth Karmapa’s Last Testament giving details about the birth of the Seventeenth Karmapa:


Self-awareness is always bliss;

The dharmadhatu has no center nor edge.

From here to the north [in] the east of [the land] of snow

Is a country where divine thunder spontaneously blazes

[In] a beautiful nomad’s place with the sign of a cow,

The method is Döndrub and the wisdom is Lolaga.

[Born in] the year of the one used for the earth

[With] the miraculous, far-reaching sound of the white one;

[This] is the one known as Karmapa.

His is sustained by Lord Donyö Drupa;

Being nonsectarian, he pervades all directions;

Not staying close to some and distant from others, he is the protector of all beings:

The sun of the Buddha’s Dharma that benefits others always blazes.

— from His Holiness the 16th Karmapa’s letter of prediction

On November 5, 1981, the Sixteenth Karmapa passed into parinirvana at the American International Clinic in Zion, Illinois. His kudung (body) was flown back to India. Karmapa’s cremation ceremony took place at Rumtek monastery on December 20. Indian dignitaries and thousands of his disciples from all over the world attended. Innumerable auspicious signs and symbols manifested at that time, and in particular, the Karmapa’s face appeared inside the halo of a rainbow encircling the sun. The image was captured in a photograph. The following day, a general Karma Kagyu meeting was held in Rumtek at the request of the General Secretary Damchö Yongdu. He requested Shamar Rinpoche, Tai Situ Rinpoche, Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche, and Goshri Gyaltsab Rinpoche to form a council of regents to take joint responsibility for the spiritual affairs of the Karma Kagyu lineage. He also asked them to locate Karmapa’s instructions concerning his next rebirth and thus bring forward his next incarnation. The four Rinpoches accepted the task and expressed their sincere desire to fulfill the wishes of the Sixteenth Karmapa.

The ashes from the cremation fire were distributed, and afterwards numerous people found that relics spontaneously arose over time from those ashes. The main relics of the Karmapa were subsequently enshrined in a large golden stupa at Rumtek. The Karmapa also left a thuk-jakchen-sum at the cremation, which was subsequently enshrined in a small golden stupa. This stupa project was completed by the General Secretary Damchö Yongdu, and the stupa consecration ceremony was held in 1982 on Lha Bab Duchen. The ceremony was attended by the all members of the council of regents, His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche, and many other eminent masters, as well as lamas and disciples. The General Secretary passed away in Bhutan some few weeks later.


Be Part of this Historic Project

Please Make a Contribution—Donate Today!

This three-phase project is an ambitious undertaking, and we invite all those with faith in His Holiness and his Legacy be part of this project, in any capacity. Any contribution, large or small, will help us attain the great vision of establishing a place for pilgrimage, retreat, study, and refuge, in honor of the Great Mahasiddha Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. May our collective aspiration come to perfect completion, free of obstacles, so that all His devotees worldwide may enjoy the fruition! Complete the form at the bottom of this page to make a one-time or recurring donation. 

Donors of $5,000 or more will have their names listed on the stone inscription pillar in the courtyard. Donors of $100,000 or more will have their names inscribed on a memorial plaque at the entryway of the stupa building.

Phase 1

Complete! Raised $985,000. Purchased ten-acre property, began Planned Unit Development (PUD) work. 

Phase 2

Planning/building the the Stupa Temple, the 17th Karmapa’s house and finishing the engineering and landscape.

Phase 3

Planning/building retreat houses, garage, shed and beautification of grounds for wildlife. 

Crowdfunding Campaign

Raising $1 Million USD for the Stupa

KC16 is excited to announce the launch of our crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe! This phase includes building the stupa temple, designing a house for His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, and finishing the engineering and landscaping of the whole compound.

Our goal is to raise $1,000,000 of an estimated $10,000,000 — the cost of building one square foot of the stupa temple amounts to $358. We are also inviting people to contribute their time to the campaign by tracking their acts of kindness and environmental activities.

To contribute to the campaign or to learn more, visit our Karmapa Center 16 Stupa Project GoFundMe page.

Legacy Gifts

Karmapa Center 16 welcomes your legacy gift. A legacy gift helps to establish and propagate the dharma in the West and continues to generate blessings for generations to come.

Please contact info@karmapacenter16.org to set up a legacy gift.

Please use this form to make a one-time or recurring credit card donation (within the US or internationally) or to make a one-time or recurring ACH (electronic bank transfer within the US) donation.

Karmapa Center 16 is a non-profit organization, a 501(c)(3) public charity; donations to Karmapa Center 16 are tax-deductible in the US.


Thank you for your interest in Karmapa Center 16’s 40th Anniversary Event for His Holiness the 16th Karmapa’s Parinirvana. Although teachings and practices have concluded, recordings are available for viewing until December 5, 2021. Please register below if you would like to access the recorded teachings, The Lion’s Roar panel discussion and Q&A, or group Guru Yoga practice sessions (English [practice only], Chinese [practice with instruction]).

The 10-day-long tribute included teachings, pujas, and practices. We are grateful for teachings by Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche, Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. We are also delighted that His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche, His Eminence Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche and His Eminence Choeje Ayang Rinpoche shared recorded remarks via video.

Recorded teachings and group practice sessions are available for registered participants to view for 1 month after the Parinirvana Anniversary, until December 5, 2021.


Welcome to the Karmapa Center 16


མདུན་ངོས།  ༧རྒྱལ་དབང་མཆོག་གི་བཀའ་སློབ།  མཆོད་རྟེན།  ལོ་རྒྱུས།  ཆོས་ཚོགས།   དྲ་བརྙན།  སྐུ་པར་ཁག   ཡིག་ཚང་།   གསལ་བསྒྲགས།

Karmapa Center 16’s mission is to commemorate His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa with a stupa, memorial, meditation hall, retreat center, and place to learn and study about the history of Buddhism and the Karma Kagyu lineage. This center will be in close proximity to the place of his passing, or parinirvana, and offer the opportunity for any interested visitors to pay respects, conduct pilgrimage, meditate, visit and learn.

I will always exert myself in dharmic recitations, proclamations, and readings.

In mind, I will not flutter back and forth like a young bird on a branch. Not getting absorbed in discursive thoughts of good and bad, I will meditate, cultivating forbearance and relying on my own perceptions, not those of others. I will reflect on how best to benefit the teachings and beings.

In particular, the vital essence of the thought of all victorious ones is the true nature—the uncontrived, innate dharmakaya. Without ever lapsing, I will sustain it with one taste in equipoise and post-meditation.

an excerpt from Heart Advice of the Karmapa, translated by Tyler Dewar

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