Please fill out the registration form below. A zoom link to join KC16 and Acharya Lhakpa for Meditation for All on Sundays will be emailed after submitting the form. Thank you! Karmapa Khyenno!
Here are a few guidelines that we ask you to please follow when you join us online.
We encourage you to create a quiet place at home or wherever you are to meditate without interruptions. It is recommended that you clear your space from any objects that may cause unnecessary distractions and have a meditation cushion or seat that allows you to sit in a meditation posture, comfortable and relaxed.
We would appreciate it if you could log in using your full name and keep your camera on. That supports the feeling of practicing together. If, because your connection is weak or for some other reason, you need to turn your camera off, that is, of course, totally fine. Also, if you need to get up for some reason, please switch your camera off to avoid distractions and switch it back on when you return to your seat.
There is often a possibility to ask questions towards the end of our guided meditation. If you have any questions, please raise your digital hand on Zoom, and we will invite you to ask your question directly.
Karmapa Center 16 is pleased to announce pujas and prayers to be held in honor of the 42nd anniversary of the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje’s parinirvana on November 5 and 7, 2023.
Sunday, November 5: Please join us via Zoom for The Guru Yoga Puja of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. The puja will be performed in Tibetan by Lamas and monks residing in the United States and Canada. We invite you to attend this special occasion via Zoom as in-person attendance is not available. Upon registration (link below), the Zoom link will be sent.
Tuesday, November 7: Under the guidance of His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the Lamas and monks will perform in Tibetan the Green Tara puja, Dugkar, White Umbrella Deity practice, and Mahakala protector chants. These pujas and prayers will be for Karmapa Center 16, with the aspiration to clear away obstacles and to complete the center’s projects for the benefit of sentient beings. Please join us via Zoom as in-person attendance is not available. Upon registration (link below), the Zoom link will be sent.
May we all honor the profound kindness and wisdom of His Holiness.
With deep gratitude for your continuous kind support of Karmapa Center 16, we welcome your donations for this important practice anniversary for His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. Please donate HERE.
May all be auspicious!
His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa passed into parinirvana at the American International Clinic (now called Cancer Treatment Center of America) in Zion, IL, on November 5, 1981. For Buddhist practitioners, the death of a teacher such as the 16th Karmapa is called parinirvana—enlightenment or complete awakening—and the area surrounding the location of such an occurrence becomes a very significant place, a place of pilgrimage.
Once, the Buddha Shakyamuni was asked by his disciple Ananda, “What should we tell the followers in the future after you pass away into parinirvana?” The Buddha answered, “There are four places, Ananda, that a pious person should visit and look upon with feelings of reverence. What are the four? ‘Here the Tathagata [the one who has gone beyond all transitory phenomena] was born.’ ‘Here the Tathagata became fully enlightened.’ ‘Here the Tathagata set in motion the wheel of the dhamma.’ ‘Here the Tathagata passed away into the state of nibbana in which no element of clinging remains!’ And the monk, the nun, the layman or laywoman who has faith should visit these places…” (Digha Nikaya 16.5)
His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa, whose enlightened activity was like Buddha Shakyamuni, chose Zion, in the great state of Illinois, to be one of the most significant places in his life. To honor the choice of His Holiness and under the guidance of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche and Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche, KC16 purchased land in Wadsworth, just a few miles from where the 16th Karmapa passed into parinirvana.
Our mission is to commemorate His Holiness with a stupa representing his dharmakaya, a memorial, meditation hall, retreat center, and residence for His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa. Our aspiration is for KC16 to be a place for pilgrims and future generations to learn about Buddhism, and in particular, the enlightened activities of the 16th Karmapa and the inspiring history of all the Karmapas.
Treasury of Knowledge and the Contemplative Resource Center (CRC) are extremely happy to extend an early invitation to you for a weekend retreat with our precious teacher to deepen your dharma practice.
The retreat with Rinpoche will be held live in San Antonio, Texas, and simultaneously available worldwide via Zoom. The teachings will be simultaneously translated into Chinese and Spanish.
Join us as we immerse ourselves in the profound teachings on merging our compassion with deep wisdom that creates skillful action. Guided by the wisdom of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, this weekend offers an opportunity for deepening our practice and sangha connections.
We have very limited spots available for the in-person program (and hotel rooms) and wanted to give you the first access to register. Please don’t wait.
Event Details:
Date: Friday evening, October 20 through Sunday afternoon, October 22, 2023
Location: Live in San Antonio, Texas, and via Zoom
Registration Fee: In-person $305 (includes a vegetarian lunch each day, value $60), Online $195
Hotel Discount: We have negotiated a steep discounted rate of $119/night (standard rates are$183/night)at our designated hotel, accessible once you register. We have limited rooms available, so please grab your hotel room once you register.
How to Register:
Secure your spot for the in-person or online experience.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting Karmapa Center 16 in building a stupa for His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa. Your transaction has been completed.
If you used PayPal, a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. Log into your PayPal account to view transaction details.
Karmapa Center 16 is a non-profit organization, a 501(c)(3) public charity; donations to Karmapa Center 16 are tax-deductible in the US. As such, if you are a resident of the United States, you will receive a tax letter after the end of the year for donations from the previous year.
If you missed the benefit screening of The Lion’s Roar and would like to view the film, you can stream the film from Kalapa Media. If you are a registered participant for the 40th Parinirvana Anniversary, you can find the Panel Discussion and Q&A recording on the Participant Resources page.
Please join Karmapa Center 16 for a special benefit screening of The Lion’s Roar, a masterful portrait of the late 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, the great Tibetan Buddhist master known as the Black Hat Lama. The movie will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.
Please register below to receive updates about Karmapa Center 16’s upcoming event commemorating the parinirvana of His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa.