Dear wonderful students, volunteers, friends, and supporters of all kinds, to be kind to ourselves and all of you and comply with local, state and federal regulations and suggestions regarding coronavirus protection, we wanted to inform you that our resident Lamas are now in strict retreat to to extra prayers for the current pandemic. We thank you for your patience (if you happen to call the center) and your own kind consideration to follow your own areas guidelines where ever in the world you are.
While we take care for the safety of those around us, it is a good time to connect with our minds of loving kindness and compassion, connect with the dharma and any and all teachers we have been fortunate to receive teachings from. Remember to be in the moment, remember our shamatha-calm abiding meditation, guru yoga and support each other in stability and peace.
Making our offering in that direction, KC16 volunteers will continue our campaign virtually because we will continue to share stories about His Holiness the 16th Karmapa through the words and voices of other teachers and students. We will be launching a way to share your own kind deeds – so stay tuned. We look forward to hearing the many acts of kindness from around the world.
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Wishing you health, happiness and peacefulness from The Karmapa Center 16.