- Intermezzo: Contemplating Karma and SaṃsāraDo we see karma, cause and effect, at play in our actions of body, speech, and mind? Is there really no lasting happiness in saṃsāra, the world and experience of suffering? If so, what does this mean for our practice and how to progress along the heroic path of a bodhisattva?
- Cultivating an Expansive Mind and Boundless Heart on the Spiritual Path – 37 Practices – Session 8Yesterday was our past life, today is the present, and tomorrow will be a new one. Contemplating our existence in this way allows us to realize how our well-being depends on countless others. Without them, we wouldn’t even be able to survive.
- Key Advice if You Are Looking for a Comfortable Human Life – 37 Practices – Session 7Some of us may have the thought of attaining buddhahood. Others are okay with simply having a human life, thinking: “I don’t want to achieve buddhahood. I don’t want to go that far. I just want to be a human being.” Thinking thus, what does that mean for a bodhisattva’s practice?
- Intermezzo: Embracing Genuine Dharma Practice: Observing and Directing the Mind“After I finish this session, through the rest of the day, I will try to retain the flavor of this experience and state of mind,” His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Oygen Trinley Dorje, writes in his commentary. How do we genuinely practice the dharma throughout the day?
- Intermezzo: Following in The Footsteps of the First KarmapaOur first session of the international New Year, 2025 was dedicated to commemorating the parinirvāṇa anniversary of the First Karmapa, Düsum Khyenpa. His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, shared a beautiful verse on Facebook, on January 3rd. While it is difficult, if not impossible, to capture the profoundness and beauty of HisContinue reading “Intermezzo: Following in The Footsteps of the First Karmapa”