Tsa Tsa Offering

Merging with the Enlightened Mind of the 16th Karmapa

His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ranjung Rigpe Dorje, passed into parinirvāṇa on November 5th, near Chicago, in Zion, Illinois, USA. When Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche, who was His Holiness’ attendant for many years, returned to this holy place some years later, he made a vow to build a Parinirvāṇa Stūpa and create a place for pilgrimage, meditation, and to learn and study the Buddhist tradition in general, and the Karma Kagyü lineage in particular. After years of accumulating merit and the generous support of many kind donors, the commencement of the infrastructure is expected to begin in 2025.

Based on the design of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the appearance of the main hall is modeled after the place where Buddha Shakyamuni passed into parinirvāṇa, the Stūpa in Kushinagar, India.

In addition to a Parinirvāṇa Stūpa, a Thousand Buddha Wall, a library for studying the teachings of the buddhadharma, in particular the Karma Kagyü, a retreat center, and more, there will also be a space dedicated to Tsa Tsa offerings. Crafted from clay, mixed with the relics of a deceased, Tsa Tsa are like small stūpa and offered as a way of honoring and remembrance of a friend or relative.

Tsa Tsa (crafted from clay, mixed with the relics of a deceased, Tsa Tsa are like small stūpa and offered as a way of honoring and remembrance of a friend or relative)
crafted from clay, mixed with the relics of a deceased, Tsa Tsa are like small stūpa and offered as a way of honoring and remembrance of a friend or relative

Extraordinary Blessings of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa

The space for the Tsa Tsa will be located at the lower level of the Stūpa Temple, immediately beneath the Stūpa of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. Placing a Tsa Tsa in this space supports those who have passed on to the next life by receiving the blessings of the lineage of the Karmapas, which is a very rare opportunity.

’Those represented by the Tsa Tsa as well as those who have a direct or indirect connection to the Karmapa lineage will continue to receive blessings throughout the year due to the twice daily pujas performed with the heart of devotion by the KC16 sangha (monastic community) under the guidance of Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche. Rinpoche will also be presiding over the practices and offerings to the community during the Qingming Festival, KC16’s Annual Parinirvana Anniversary of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa on November 5, along with other special Buddhist occasions such as Saga Dawa and Lhabab Düchen, all sources of great blessings.

How to make an offering?

By offering $2062 USD, one can reserve a space in the future columbarium for a Tsa Tsa.

  1. Tsa Tsa with Commemorative Items

    Relatives and friends can provide the deceased’s most commemorative items, such as clothes, jewelry, photos, prayer beads, etc, to be enshrined in our center. The lamas of the Sangha will create a Tsa Tsa stupa and put it in place, together with the memorials of the deceased as a way of respect, commemoration, and source of blessings for the deceased.
  2. Tsa Tsa with Relics

    No matter how long ago the deceased passed away, you can provide some relics of deceased relatives and friends, and deliver or ship them to Karmapa Center 16. The Tsa Tsa will be made by our lamas and permanently enshrined in the center.
  3. Tsa Tsa RSVP — Connect now for later

    You may also reserve a place for a future Tsa Tsa, be it for a loved one or for yourself.


  1. All donations will be used for the construction of the relic hall.
  2. It is possible to pay in installments (multiple payments over a period of time).
  3. Donations to Karmapa Center 16 are tax-deductible in the USA (US tax ID #47-2608572).
  4. The list of names will be permanently stored in the relic hall and receive ongoing blessings.